Truth In Love · TIL 278: Why Would the State Seek to Regulate Biblical Counseling? (feat. Ed Wilde)

Dale Johnson: Today on the podcast, I am excited that we can introduce to you Ed Wilde. Ed has been a lawyer in the state of California since 1989. He has taught at Masters University since 2002. He’s taught both counseling courses and courses in law there. He is married to Kelly and has five children, praise the Lord, one of whom is with the Lord even now. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Ed these last several months. We are working on a book together on counseling and legal issues. Ed, it’s been really fun to get to know you and for us to talk. You have taught me a tremendous amount—even things that I was passionate about, but areas where I could refine language—and so I’m grateful now to introduce you to our listening audience. Thank you, brother, for being here.

Ed Wilde: It’s absolutely my pleasure to be here.

Dale Johnson: Now, we’re going to discuss today legal issues. This is important. And what I love about you, Ed, is God has gifted you in such a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.