Truth In Love · TIL 283: Spiritual Warfare in the Family (feat. Stuart Scott)

Dale Johnson: Today, I have a familiar face and voice on the podcast with us, Dr. Stuart Scott, who many of you know and love. We certainly love him around here. He’s professor of biblical counseling at the Master’s University, and he is actually our Director of Membership Services here at ACBC. So, many of you have had interaction with him, you’ve heard his teaching over the years. He’s been married to Zondra for 40 years, and we are so grateful for their life and ministry.

Today, Stuart, I want us to talk in this direction of spiritual warfare as it relates to the family. There are so many ways in which we could shape this particular podcast. We could talk about it from the perspective of the counselor, we can talk about it from the perspective of so many pastors even that we see where there’s difficulties and struggles in the home in raising children and what all that entails, or so many members of our churches that are struggling to raise kids particularly in this world that we live in, so many difficulties

To the full-length post originally published on this site.