In Anger & Stress Management God’s Way, Dr. Wayne Mack has written a concise book of practical guidelines to give the reader clear, biblical direction on how God wants His children to respond to the inevitable stresses of life we encounter in this fallen world—by responding as truth-practicing and hope-filled overcomers. The handling of this difficult subject matter is made personable with anecdotes and illustrations reflecting hope and spiritual growth to be gained from biblically addressing anger and stress.

The first two chapters contrast two different types of anger—sinful anger and righteous anger. Sinful anger is always destructive, whereas righteous anger is constructive. Believers are commanded to get rid of sinful anger (Ephesians 4:31). Dr. Mack says, “Our anger is always sinful when it is caused by our selfishness” (16). Yet, he also confirms, “Controlling anger is usually a lifelong struggle” (25). In addition to selfishness, other manifestations of sinful anger highlighted include when anger is: jealous; allowed to control us; the dominant feature of our lives; accompanied by brooding or fretting; keeping a running record of mistreatments; pretending untruthfully that we are not angry, and; returning evil for evil by attacking people.

A key characteristic of selfish anger is

To the full-length post originally published on this site.