Because it’s a new month there are lots of Kindle deals to look at, including Greg Koukl’s Tactics and Kelly Needham’s Friendish. You may also want to sort through the monthly general market deals (where you’ll find, for example, McCullough’s biography of Theodore Roosevelt.)

(Yesterday on the blog: A Casket and a Bible)

Stop Eulogizing The Local Church

“We criticize online news sites for their click bait approach to news, but a few websites dedicated to church ministry and pastors need to be reprimanded as well. In an effort to promote clicks during COVID, there have been a number of eulogies written for the local church. We have been told that it will never be the same, that 20-30 percent of pre-COVID attenders will not return, and that your pastor is getting ready to quit.”

Does It Matter How We Spend Our Free Time?

Randy Alcorn answers this one. “We have to look at our lives as a window of opportunity, because none of us has unlimited time. Everyone, no matter who they are, has 168 hours a week, and we’re supposed to spend about a third of it sleeping, and then another large amount of that likely

To the full-length post originally published on this site.