For quite some time I’ve been talking about, and you’ve been praying about, my new book with Joni Eareckson Tada, entitled When Disability Hits Home: How God Magnifies His Grace in Our Weakness and Suffering. Well…it’s finally available.

Understanding the purpose of God in our suffering can be like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box. God always has a larger plan which we cannot see, a plan that involves more—but never less—than our trials and blessings. This is even true when disability enters the picture.

One of the hidden blessings of disability may very well be its promotion of an ever-present dependence on God. That’s because disability humbles us; it shows us how desperately we all need to lean on the Lord. But it also opens the door to seeing God’s all-sufficient grace magnified in unexpected ways, through our weakness and suffering.

This book establishes a God-centered foundation for thinking about disability, personally, as well as establishing a disability ministry in your church (Study & Discussion Guide is included in the book).


“What makes this book special is that our hardest questions about suffering and disability are faithfully answered by

To the full-length post originally published on this site.