Forgiveness is a foundational spiritual building block in the Christian faith, both in relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, and in every human experience and relationship Christ gives and guides us through in life. It is a basic truth that believers constantly need to revisit and evaluate in our hearts and practice. Worshipping Christ for who He is and what He has done requires an increasingly thorough understanding of biblical forgiveness—both His forgiveness that we receive and the forgiveness we extend to others.

In Unpacking Forgiveness, Chris Brauns guides the reader through the source, motivation, and application of forgiveness. He acknowledges and wrestles through many “complex questions and deep wounds” (15) that accompany the grief and brokenness that sin brings in our own souls and the painful aftermath of sins committed against us. The book includes an initial “forgiveness quiz” to help the reader analyze their current understanding and each chapter has questions for discussion and reflection. Brauns delivers on his proposed standard that, “if a book on forgiveness is going to be worth your while, it should be dripping with Scripture.” (19)

Brauns progresses through the development of a biblical understanding of forgiveness, from the top down, layer-by-layer.  His

To the full-length post originally published on this site.