While writing my most recent book, When Disability Hits Home, I did some research which revealed statistics that saddened me deeply. Unborn children with disabilities face great danger.

October Is Down Syndrome Awareness Month – When Shauna Amick learned that her preborn baby had Down syndrome, doctors pressured her to abort Sarah Hope. But Shauna knew the truth of God’s Word and understood that Sarah, like every one of us, is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.

My Down Syndrome Blessing – An interview with a teacher about parenting a Down syndrome child.

You Don’t Know Roe: A Visual Guide to the Landmark Supreme Court Decision of Roe v. Wade – Three animated videos on Roe v. Wade walk through its origin, its journey from the District Court to the Supreme Court, and the nature of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Help! My Child Has a Disability – A brand new mini-book from Shepherd Press and Joni & Friends.

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