In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about Genesis 18–20. These chapters cover some of the darkest episodes in all of Scripture. We see the wages of sin—death—on full display. And yet, we also see glimmers of God’s grace and mercy.

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2:00 / Why this episode at the beginning of Genesis 18 that gives us no new information? Why the “detour” from the story about the seed?

5:20 / Let’s get into the details here. Who in the world are these “men”? Are they God? Angels? It’s so confusing! Jim gets an alley-oop from Augustine here.

12:08 / Finally: there’s a disagreement between Jim and Sam! Anakin has turned his back on Obi-Wan.

15:05 / Why does Moses highlight the ridiculousness of God’s promise to Abrahaham again? And why does the Bible highlight so many stories about barren women?

19:20 / How do these repeated instances of barren women eventually lead to Jesus? How does it make sense of other passages in the New Testament?

22:00 / Toward the end of Genesis 18, the Lord wonders if he should hide himself from Abraham. What’s going

To the full-length post originally published on this site.