My gratitude goes to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week. Be sure to learned about the new book Puritan Reformed Theology (which is currently discounted).

Also, here’s your regular reminder of my SquareQuotes site which is updated weekly and contains all kinds of great quote graphics.

Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good collection of classics and newer works.

For All My Fellow Phonies

“I think for most of my Christian life I have felt like an imposter. I know myself pretty well. I know how hard my heart can be. I know how difficult it often is for me to do things with the right motives, with a spirit of real love and compassion. I know how far short that I fall daily of loving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength…”

Are Our Standards for Sexual Purity Too High for Pastors?

Here’s John Piper’s answer. “In spite of the fact that many pastors try to give the impression, with misplaced humility, that they are ‘just one of the guys’ — ‘Don’t put me on a pedestal; I’m just one of the guys’ — they are emphatically not ‘just one of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.