Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include several volumes of the excellent ESV Expository Commentary series.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Music Is Simply a Mockery)

Goodbye Local Church?

“The truth is that there is now a marketplace of churches. This marketplace stretches across denominations and church ‘brands’. People are quite willing to switch and travel long distances. Churches are in competition for members.” This really changes everything about our relationship to the local church.

Going to Church Is Hard but Worth It

“Sundays never fail to be tough. The plan is always to have the house clean and organized on Saturday, to do family devotionals, to set out and iron clothes for the morning, to go to bed early, and have a big happy breakfast together Sunday morning. Things never go according to plan.”

Can We Trust Luke’s History of the Early Jesus Movement?

Some have charged that Luke is not a trustworthy historian. Shane Rosenthal disagrees and explains why.

Not Brave

Julie Lowe: “I don’t know about you, but I am not brave. I dread criticism and judgment. I’d rather work behind the scenes than live in the spotlight and be

To the full-length post originally published on this site.