Though these have been the two most difficult days of our lives, my family has been immeasurably blessed. We have received encouragement from close friends and distant strangers alike, each telling us of their love and their prayers. (I have gotten more emails and messages than I could ever respond to, but please know I have read each and every one.) We have been the beneficiaries of generous hospitality here on the campus of Boyce College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I had the privilege of speaking to the Boyce student body to thank them for so loving my son so well (see below). Last night we were able to Zoom into our church’s evening of lament and remembrance and it was a tremendous blessing to hear those friends tell of how Nick loved them and how he was loved by them. The Lord has been so good.

I know some people are eager to know what arrangements we have made. Because the border between the U.S. and Canada is (mostly) closed, we are going to have two services, one at home and one at his home-away-from-home.

Tomorrow, Friday, November 6, we will hold a memorial

To the full-length post originally published on this site.