I’m grateful for all the kind, encouraging, and soul-strengthening words we’ve received from you over the past few days. Yesterday was Nick’s memorial service here at Southern Seminary; this evening we head home. Following our two-week quarantine, we will have a funeral in our hometown. The Lord has been so very kind to us these past days. We have never experienced his mercy and his grace as we are right now. We are so grateful.

I had a few articles already written and queued up (like this one) that are being metered out. I don’t want anyone to think I’m working when I should be caring for my family!

There are a few Kindle deals someone has kindly gathered.

Don’t Fall For It

“You get no extremes from Paul. Only reality. An invisible battle is raging all around you. Don’t be naive. Don’t be afraid. Protect yourself. He used the word ‘against’ six times. We can’t claim ignorance here. We’re in combat. We wrestle not merely against flesh and blood, but against a formidable, invisible enemy. We’ve been warned.”

Coffee Cup Christianity

Alan Shlemon: “This might sound a little creepy: I know how you read your email.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.