I was sitting at work when I got the call. A hurting wife, who had left the state to get away from her potentially suicidal husband, was calling desperate. She began to recount to me the last 15 years of marriage that they shared. She told me of his pursuit of her in the early days and his willingness to explore Christianity since it was so important to her. She spoke to his conversion experience and subsequent lack of fruit, his first affair while they were engaged and his second in the last couple of years.

As a result, he had been diagnosed with PTSD, severe depression, and was told that the chemical reactions that were occurring in his brain needed to be carefully navigated.

I agreed to meet with her husband and as much I would love to tell you that this session resulted in a deep sense of conviction over his sin leading to repentance, it did not. What resulted was a heavily draining two-hour counseling session that was more blame-shifting his sinful choices on others, his diagnoses, and chemical imbalances than a humble receiving of truth. I asked the counselee if I could share what the Scriptures

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.