What is marriage? It is a gift. It is a gift that should be held onto loosely in this world because it is a momentary gift. However, at the same time it should be highly valued and tightly embraced because of the eternal blessing it represents. As John Piper states in This Momentary Marriage, “The meaning of marriage is the display of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and His people” (p. 15).

Piper’s aim in this book is to broaden our understanding of what marriage is. Where so many other books focus on how to have successful marriages or how biblical marriages affect the world, this book is different. It answers the simple and profound question, “What is marriage?”

One could suppose that the correct answer to the question is that marriage represents the union between Christ and the church. That answer would not be incorrect—but what does the answer itself mean? This book takes simple answer and dives deeper into the implications of this truth.

For example, Piper demonstrates in chapter 4, “Forgiving and Forbearing,” that just as we have received forgiveness from our sins, we are to demonstrate forgiveness and forbearance in marriage. All this is carried out

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