What a year 2020 has been. Pandemics. A presidential impeachment process. A contested presidential election. George Floyd killed at the hands of police. Racial tensions, peaceful protests, and violent riots. Forest fires of epic proportion. Record unemployment. Record stock market losses…and gains. Wear a mask/don’t wear a mask. Obey governmental regulations/disobey them.

Biblical Wisdom for a Pandemic 

In a year like this, it is with trepidation that I even consider crafting this post. So why do it? Mainly because I’ve been wondering:

What wisdom does the Bible provide for responding to quarantines during a pandemic? 

As biblical counselors, we believe in the sufficiency and relevancy of Scripture for real life. That doesn’t mean that the Bible is a science manual on pandemics. It does mean that we should expect the Bible to provide wisdom-for-life amidst a health crisis.

Of course, my “take” on that wisdom will be different from someone else’s take. We all are subject to “confirmation bias” even in our exploration and application of Scripture. Honesty and humility require us to admit that:

We all tend to look for and find the proof that confirms what we already think­—confirmation bias.

3 Chapter 13s 

Recognizing my own confirmation

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.