Today’s Kindle deals include some devotionals from Crossway. (While it’s not a Christian book, Bill Bryson’s The Body is on sale today; I found it a fascinating read, though you need to be willing to see design where he sees evolution.)

(Yesterday on the blog: My Top 10 Books of 2020)


I think you’ll enjoy reading this sweet article about a woman named Leah. “Leah died at home one year ago this week on the Lord’s Day. She stepped into glory as the rest of the saints at 2RP in Indianapolis were stepping into the church building. She struggled with chronic illness, so we knew her days on earth were coming to an end. Her death was not a surprise, but her life was a delightful surprise.”

Economics for Church Leaders: Understanding ‘The Economy’

Joe Carter has put together a really helpful article on understanding what is meant by “the economy.”

An Empty Chair at Christmas

“I’m sure you have tried to lift it, and maybe you feel like this time of year is another opportunity to hopelessly carry the burden. The heaviness of death that Christmas has the tendency to bring is the reason Jesus

To the full-length post originally published on this site.