One day Christians will inherit this world as our eternal home. But if we set our hopes on it now, in its current state, we’re only setting ourselves up for sadness and heartbreak.

I teach and pastor in Cameroon. It’s quite common to hear of unjust killings, corruption, mob violence, and war crimes. Two months ago, news came to our church that eight children were murdered in cold blood by armed men in a nearby city. Since 2016, our nation has been embroiled in a conflict between rebel and government forces. The casualties of this war are often innocent women and children. My mind recalls an appalling photo that has recently circulated in the media: two women shot to death, their babies still on their backs.

To escape all this, thousands of Cameroonians have migrated to nearby countries or more peaceful parts of our nation. But even these so-called peaceful regions have become more dangerous. Mass migration has reduced the number of available jobs, and joblessness has increased crime. A wife of one of my students was held at knifepoint in a taxi; the criminal stole all her money and her phone. Another student was chased by a taxi as

To the full-length post originally published on this site.