Editor’s Note: 9Marks asked several pastors how they intend to pray this Sunday to shepherd their congregation in light of Wednesday’s events at the Capitol.


In light of the recent foolishness seen at America’s Capitol building, here are 3 pastoral reminders I hope to provide my people with in conversation, teaching, and prayer over the next couple of weeks:

God is still in control. This simple statement is undoubtedly the Christian’s go-to statement during times of turbulence. It may feel like an overused reminder to some, but I want to help my people see that it’s a truth to which we should never grow cold. When earthly America appears to be in shambles, we can rejoice in knowing that our Heavenly Jerusalem is not, and never will be. America’s current state is no surprise to God, therefore it should not be an overwhelming source of worry for us. We should see America’s state and mourn, yet with hope and anticipation of the more perfect dwelling which awaits us. Rebelling against the government is not a sin limited to one political party. When a friend asked me if I’d heard that protestors had stormed the Capitol,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.