I would not follow myself on Instagram. Over the past year, I’ve been posting pictures of my first child at an exponential rate. Yes, I am one of those parents, and I know it’s ridiculous. I used to mock parents like me. Now, I’m posting pictures of my little girl like she’s the first baby to ever laugh, smile, or play with a soccer ball. I notice everything, and I want everyone to see.

God notices every bit of grace in his children (Heb. 13:21). And he wants everyone to see (Matt. 5:16). As God’s children, we should follow suit. We should be like the Apostle Paul, who modeled this point well. He consistently pointed out God’s grace even in deeply flawed local churches. If Paul was on Instagram, you’d think the Ephesian church was the first congregation to ever trust in Christ and love others (Eph. 1:15–16).

What about you? If you had to describe your local church, what comes to your mind? Signs of God’s grace? Or ways your church needs to grow?

Of course, our churches do need to grow. They do need to become holier and healthier. Paul knew this. Repentance mattered to him. Just ask

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.