Pastors sometimes find themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to women teaching in their churches. On the one hand, they may have encountered women with teaching ability who weren’t happy complementarians . On the other hand, they may have encountered alarmed church members when they’ve allowed women to teach in certain contexts. Saying or doing anything to encourage women to teach might feel like a minefield. So, the tendency is to default to the status quo.
This might feel “safe” but it can be detrimental to the health of your church.
1. They’re in your church.
Although there might be a few women who see it as their mission to change a church, most are there happily. There are plenty of church options that give women carte blanche to teach and preach. If they wanted that, they would have already chosen one of those churches. Therefore, assume if a woman has chosen your church, then she’s already committed to complementarianism.
2. The members build up the body of Christ
A wise pastor understands his responsibility to equip all the saints for the work of ministry. As Paul reminds us, it takes
To the full-length post originally published on this site.