“Can we just get back to normal?”

Perhaps you find yourself fatigued by circumstances over the last year and wonder this exact question. While this is a normal question to ask, especially after times of grief, difficulty and hardship, it often leads us to an unhealthy mindset. The book of Ecclesiastes provides us with some thought-provoking counsel when we are tempted to look back, yearning for simpler, less troubling, or more comfortable times.

“Do not say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such questions.”  – Ecclesiastes 7:10

This may seem like a cruel rebuke or an odd piece of advice to a hurting soul, telling them to forget about the “good old days.” However, this wise principle may apply in more ways than you might have imagined.

Churches that long for the good old days rarely ever find them; marriages that spend all their time looking back to a season free of conflict find themselves consistently lacking peace and contentment in the present. The same principle might apply to your workplace, friendships, school, or neighborhood. We tend to look back fondly at the good things we used to enjoy, but this

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.