Jani Ortlund, Help! I’m Married to My Pastor: Encouragement for Ministry Wives and Those who Love Them. Crossway, 2021. 128 pages.

Imagine a job description that read like this:

Wanted—full-time position available. Must be a source of support, wisdom, and theological precision, not prone to discouragement or neediness. Must be able to host groups large and small in a well-organized, well-decorated, and clean home. Ability to bake is required. Applicant must be able to apply Scripture in a variety of situations in a moment’s notice. Must have well-behaved children, always appropriately courteous and never loud, disruptive, or child-like. Must have a committed marriage but also be willing for your husband to be interrupted during family dinner, on date nights, and occasionally while on vacation. Special consideration given to those who are able to speak to large groups, teach children’s classes, play the piano, sing in the choir, disciple multiple women, and lead women’s Bible studies. There is no compensation for this position and gratitude for your service may wax and wane with little warning.

Not many people would be interested in such a position. But that “job description” does describe the experience of many pastor’s wives. Let’s be clear, “pastor’s wife” is

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.