This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by  Baker Books . They are giving away three sets of the first two books in the new series from Summit Ministries, Perspectives. Perspectives brings together biblical experts who can walk alongside readers, exploring the most challenging issues of our day. This series will help you, your family, and your church to think biblically about every area of life. The sets include a copy of Challenging Conversations by Jason Jimenez and Why You Matter by Michael Sherrard.

Challenging Conversations by Jason Jimenez

When was the last time you had an honest, heartfelt, yet kind and productive conversation with someone about depression, mental illness, substance abuse, pornography, premarital sex, racism, divorce, abortion, LGBT issues, or politics? Our tendency is either to avoid talking about such volatile topics at all–even with other Christians–or to go on the attack, causing rifts that do nothing to encourage further discussion or growth. With straightforward answers to some of the most challenging moral issues disrupting the church, Challenging Conversations will help you build your confidence using three simple steps to becoming a conversant Christian.

Why You Matter by Michael Sherrard

What makes life meaningful? More to the point, what makes our life meaningful? Without a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.