Grace and peace to you this weekend in all your service and in all your worship.

My gratitude goes to Baker Books for sponsoring the blog this week with “Do We Really Believe in Equality?” It is sponsors and patrons who keep this site going!

Today’s Kindle deals include some classics and some of the lesser-known works of C.S. Lewis.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Inadvertent Trailblazer)

God’s Law Library

Joel Belz makes some astute observations about the differences between our laws and God’s. “God’s rules tend to be few, simple, noncontradictory, and sufficient to stand the test of time without constant updating. Man’s laws—even when well intended—tend to be complex, lengthy, repetitive, full of contradictions, and constantly in need of revision and amendment.”

We Will See His Face

David Mathis writes about the beatific vision, which is a fancy term to describe the wondrous reality that Christians will see God. “As creatures who seek happiness, this is the great Happiness to come, the moment when we, at last, stand face to face before our God to perceive him visually and immediately and more.”

Born Pregnant: Aphids Invade with an Onslaught of Clones (Video)

God has certainly created

To the full-length post originally published on this site.