If you were planting a church, what’s the first book of the Bible you’d preach through? I’m guessing that not many of you would say Jude. But there we were, taking the Lord’s Supper for the very first time and committing to one another in love as a local church, all on the heels of a short trek through the staggering promises and stern warnings found in one of the New Testament’s most neglected books.

Jude teaches us that true Christians contend for the faith that has been once and for all delivered to the saints. Jude teaches us that true Christians reject all substitutes and hold fast to the One who won’t let them go. In short, Christians of every era must guard doctrine as they are guarded by God. That’s the message of Jude.

But why should you preach through the book of Jude? Here are four reasons.

1. Jude roots our identity as Christians in what God does for us, not in what we do for him.

If your church is anything like mine, it’s full of men and women who get confused about the nature of their works and their salvation. While no one might outright

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.