The title of this talk is “What Is and Isn’t the Gospel?” I have to assume the grand poohbahs of T4G asked me to do this talk because of a book I wrote ten years ago this month, called What is the Gospel? It’s been wonderful through the years to hear the stories of how the Lord has used “that little black book” to encourage believers and even bring people to faith in Jesus.

But believe it or not, that book—and it’s definition of the gospel as a proclamation of whom we are accountable to; the problem of human sin; God’s solution to that problem in the substitionary life, death, and resurrection of King Jesus; and the call for us to respond to Jesus in repentance and faith—has not been without its detractors.


Now, I don’t intend to use this time to defend a book I wrote ten years ago. Instead, I want to use this time to engage in a conversation with one particular charge that’s often leveled against all of us who understand the Bible to teach that the beating heart of the gospel is Jesus’s penal substitutionary atonement for us and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.