The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today!

On sale this week at Westminster Books is a good new book on money and finances that addresses a host of common issues and questions.

Female Genital Cutting: Understanding A Cultural Practice

This is the beginning of a promising series of TGC Africa. “Over three articles, we hope to inform and instruct Christ’s Church about a practice that harms girls and women throughout Africa. This practice is Female Genital Cutting (FGC). In this first article, we walk through how, where, and why FGC is practiced. In the second article, we consider how churches can respond to FGC within their local communities. Finally, Kalkidan has written an open letter to husbands whose wives have experienced FGC.”

Where He Met Me 

This is a sweet celebration of God’s kindness.

Embracing the Butterfly Effect

Andrew Roycroft has shared the first of three articles inspired by the “butterfly effect” of great effects stemming from small causes. “I want to borrow this last term as a way of thinking through why large scale activity and grand gestures are often not the way in which God does his most vital work, and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.