I used to be a dreamer. I used to lie awake at night thinking of the great man I might be, the great awards I might win, the great deeds I might accomplish for the Lord. I would eventually drift to sleep convinced of my own potential and glimpsing visions of my own grandeur. As I slept, I would dream of holding the trophy, grasping the prize, receiving the praise.

Back then I thought the only things that could hold me back were desire and opportunity. I was as able as anyone else and also as gifted, as talented, and as clever. All I needed to do was direct my abilities to the area of my choosing and wait to be identified and recognized, to have others acknowledge what I already knew to be true of myself. And then would come my day, my moment, my chance to finally make something of myself.

But that was a long time ago. That was before I came to a more realistic assessment of my strengths and abilities, not to mention my weaknesses and inabilities. It was before I had tried a hundred things only to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.