We cannot truly understand a story until we have read it to the end. Very often it is only in the final pages of a story that the author springs the big surprise, that he pulls together the loose strands, that he explains the meaning and purpose behind his interwoven narratives. If we give up too soon, if we draw our conclusions before the end, we will never understand the author’s intent or appreciate the author’s skill.

So too with God, the Author of the great story that is being told around us and even in and through us. Especially as it pertains to the story of our own lives, we are prone to draw too many conclusions from too limited a reading. But we should know better, for we often see God weaving narratives that make sense only in light of the concluding pages. Through the words of God’s book and the history of God’s church, we see the importance of reading to the final chapter. And it is then, at the end, we see the work of God and exclaim, “Look what God has done!”

In the pages of the Bible, we see Joseph sold

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.