The Lord be with you and the Lord bless you on this Good Friday.

Logos users: There is a new list of free and really cheap books and commentaries ready for you to look through.

There are quite a few books today on the Kindle deals page, and I’ll check for more in the morning.

A Victory for Reality

Carl Trueman: “The less-than-divine comedy that Professor Meriwether has had to endure has led to one good outcome: the verdict of the Sixth Circuit and its accompanying rationale. While university administrators around the country seem to be reconfiguring their job descriptions in order to be caregivers for the tender consciences of an era when politics is therapy, the judges of the Sixth Circuit retain an understanding of what education and its various institutions are actually meant to do.”

The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus

Benjamin Shaw’s article on the resurrection is well worth reading. “The claim of the bodily resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian message as the cornerstone of all claims to divinity and salvific efficacy, and although it has been hotly contested by those with naturalist presuppositions, the historical data supports the Christian claim of the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.