Joel R. Beeke and Nick Thompson. Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry. P&R Publishing, 2020. 177 pages.

“He who stands in the front will soon be kicked in the rear,” so the old Dutch saying goes. This is certainly true for pastors. As authors Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson remind us in this new book, Pastors and Their Critics:

The majority of of men being trained for gospel ministry are not being taught how to handle and respond [to criticism]. A lack of training can quickly lead to disillusionment . . . and in far too many cases, even resignation.

While there are certainly real and legitimate reasons for pastors to step out of ministry, inadequate preparation for handling criticism ought not to be one of them. That is why this book should be a welcome resource for any aspiring and practicing pastor. Being forewarned in this area is essential in stemming the rising tide of disillusionment and resignation in the wake of unforeseen criticism.


Pastors and their Critics divides into four parts. Part One lays the biblical foundations for coping with criticism. Here, Beeke and Thompson survey the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.