A Word from Bob: On August 21, 2021, New Growth Press will release my 23rd book—Grief and Your Child: Sharing God’s Comfort in Loss. You can learn more about the booklet here. You can pre-order Grief and Your Child at 25% off for $3.99 here.

Why This Frequent Theme?

Finding hope in loss has been a frequent theme of my counseling, speaking, and writing ministry.

One of my first books—and my best-selling book—is God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting. Written especially for and directly to the grieving person, in this short book with brief chapters, I contrast the world’s way of addressing grief with the Word’s pathway for our grief journey.

Then more recently I wrote Grief: Walking with Jesus. In this 31-day devotional booklet, I walk through the four Gospels exploring how Jesus grieved and how He ministers to us in our grief.

Why this frequent theme? As I like to say:

We live in a fallen world and it often falls on us.

And, as Frank Lake said in the 1960s:

Pastoral care is defective unless it can deal thoroughly both with the evils we have suffered as well as with

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.