I’ve thought lately about some of the differences, discussions, and debates in our biblical counseling world.

At times, we in the BC movement “separate” over truth or love, Word or relationships, Scripture or soul, the Word of God or the people of God. Of course, the Bible integrates all these concepts.

We also “separate” at times over a focus on sin or a focus on suffering. Again, the Bible has room for both. At other times we “separate” in our movement over focusing on people as sinners or as saints. I guess that’s why I love the “saint-sinner-sufferer” concept. Or, as I like to say it:

We are saints who battle against sin and face suffering on our sanctification journey.

Feelers or Thinkers or Both? 

I also sense that we separate in our biblical counseling world over folks who are hard-wired as thinkers-doers, versus those who are hard-wired as feelers. The modern biblical counseling movement was started by “Type-A,” hard-driven, doers, thinkers—and I thank God for that. We wouldn’t have a BC movement otherwise.

But is there room for feelers in our biblical counseling world? I hope so. I’m one.

Yes, I’m also a “thinker.” My first book was

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.