Good morning. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

Westminster Books is doing a little spring cleaning and that has led to some pretty good sales.

Sometimes I Think I Hear Singing

This is a wonderful bit of writing. “I wake in the night to the moon rising, hushed, over the lake. I sense it there, in the soft lapping of water, in the cattails whispering in the breeze. I drive to an ordinary errand, on an ordinary day, and quietly, tenderly, feel a weight lift in my spirit.”

The Context of The Great Commission is a Miracle

“As the saying goes, ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’ The more accustomed we are to someone or something, the easier it is for us to be unimpressed. We can even become cynical.” Erik Raymond shows how this may be true of the Great Commission.

Why Our Secular Age Needs Ecclesiastes

This is a fantastic article about Ecclesiastes. It will make you want to read Ecclesiastes again!

The Strange Tale of the Identical Twin’s Mirrored Mansion

This is a bizarre and fascinating story of two eccentric twins and the house they built.

Book Hoarding

“Beware, and be on

To the full-length post originally published on this site.