The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

I’m glad to see this new edition of Catherine Vos’s The Child’s Story Bible (that, along with lots of other children’s resources, is on sale at Westminster Books).

Rapid-Onset Revolution

“Moral change requires regime change. The nature of authority demands it. Today we are experiencing moral revolution and realignment at a rate perhaps never before seen in human history. All around us, the landscape is in flux, as revolution continues its long march through the institutions.” An interesting article at CBMW looks at the rapid onset of this revolution.

Taste And See

Chris Thomas: “The fulfilled Christian life takes place around a table, a place where laughter and memories are born, a place where stories are shared and tears are spilled. The fulfilled Christian life happens around a table, a place where we sit and share a meal with Jesus, or more shockingly, a place where we sit and our meal is Jesus!”

Progressive Christians: Where and How They Differ with Jesus

This article by Colton Hinson describes some of the key differences between progressive Christianity and orthodox Christianity.

In Praise of Deep, Slow Study


To the full-length post originally published on this site.