There is no doubt that the times are changing, no doubt that Western society is undergoing a great transformation in which those who hold to the Christian faith, or those who even respect it, are becoming a bare minority. Countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada are already quite far along in this process and, while the US has been insulated for a little bit longer, it is now clearly heading in the same direction. Secularism and modern forms of paganism are quickly rising as the expected and respected alternatives to Christianity. And while Christians are notorious for predicting that persecution is just around the corner, it is not irrational to foresee increasing challenges and increasing difficulties coming to those who faithfully live and worship as Christians.

Alistair Begg’s new book, Brave by Faith: God-Sized Confidence in a Post-Christian World, is a call for Christians to live with courage and boldness in this new culture. “In reality, for us in the English-speaking West,” he says, “this world has tended to feel very much like home, and our treasures have been right before our eyes. But now we are finally facing the fact that this broken, sinful world

To the full-length post originally published on this site.