John Piper. Providence. Crossway, 2021. 711 pages.

20 years ago, I sat on a field outside Memphis, Tennessee with 40,000 other college students listening to John Piper preach for the first time. He was there as part of One Day 2000, a large gathering organized by Passion. He preached a message on Galatians 6:14 called “Boasting Only in the Cross.” Little did I know how God would use that message to embolden a generation of students not to “waste their life.”

After that windy spring day at Shelby Farm, I began reading everything I could get my hands on from John Piper. Reading Piper’s magnum opus, Providence, at this point in my life—as a 40-year old husband of nearly two-decades, raising young children, and pastoring a local church—has been a particular joy. This book not only encapsulates what Piper’s writing and preaching has meant in my own life and ministry, the timing of the book prepares us for future trials on the cusp of a new decade.


Last year (2020) has been a year of uncertainty. A worldwide pandemic, cultural polarization, a divisive election, racial injustice, hurricanes and wildfires, and economic upheaval are just some of the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.