EDITOR’S NOTE: 9Marks is not just a ministry for credobaptist churches. We exist to serve paedobaptist churches, too. Nonetheless, we recognize that most of our readers are probably credobaptists. So we though it might be helpful to demonstrate how to teach those churches about baptism.

What follows is how one pastor began to teach his church. Even if you don’t agree on every single point, as we ourselves may not, we think you’ll find much useful material here.

This is the second in a three-part series on the sign of Baptism. Read the Introduction here.

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A wedding ring doesn’t not make you married, which is good for me, because I once lost my wedding ring. But a ring does say that you’re married, to both your spouse and to everyone else. You could say that a wedding ring is a visual shorthand for the whole marriage package. It’s perfectly fitted to symbolize a specific invisible truth.

Here’s what I say to a couple and the witnesses present at a wedding just before the giving of the rings:

The wedding ring has been an outward sign of the inward and spiritual bond in marriage. It is

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.