I was first introduced to family worship by Don Whitney during a seminary class in 2015.

He explained its importance and provided a sketch of what it might look like in practice. Whitney’s playbook has three principal parts: read a passage of Scripture, pray, and then sing a song. It sounds simple—and it is—but it also packs a powerful punch. Since taking on this discipline, my family and I have enjoyed far-reaching spiritual benefits. Our minds are more regularly set on things above (Col. 3:2), and our kids learn about God’s Word and how to pray and sing to him.

The rhythms of family worship have taken on numerous forms over the years. Most recently, we switched up the routine by our time together as a family to focus on our gathering on the Lord’s Day. As Christians, we are commanded to gather with God’s people (Heb. 10:24–25). We wanted to be more intentional about anticipating this gathering throughout the week. So, while we continued reading Scripture, praying, and singing, we began to align these efforts with our church’s plans for Sunday morning gatherings. Let me explain.


We now read a portion of the passage our pastor plans to preach from

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.