Two weeks ago, on Friday, June 4, my dear wife, Shirley, suffered a hemoraghic (bleed rather than a clot) stroke. I’ve been providing updates on my Facebook personal page. Here they are in chronological order. Please be keep praying for Shirley.

From Saturday, June 5, 2021

Please pray for my dear wife Shirley. On Friday, Shirley had a hemorrhagic stroke (a bleed rather than a clot). Shirley is in ICU alert and talking, but with no movement on her left side at this point. Please pray for the blood on Shirley’s brain to naturally (supernaturally) dissipate (rather than needing surgery). And please pray for recovery of the use of her left side. And pray that we would entrust our lives to our loving heavenly Father. This picture is from just a week ago–during our 40th anniversary vacation.

From Monday, June 7, 2021

Monday Update for Prayer for Shirley: I will seek to use this FB personal page for updates. Shirley remains stable with no additional bleeding, which is very important with this form of a stroke. Today they will do an angiogram to seek to determine the cause and best treatment. Shirley has none of the risk factors for this

To the full-length post originally published on this site.