This week the blog is sponsored by Multnomah Books and is adapted from Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra’s new book Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age.

Recently, a man approached me (Collin) at church. He was worried about the times we live in, and I couldn’t blame him. There’s a lot to worry about—a global pandemic, the economy, racial tension, political polarization, and an increasingly secular culture.

But it’s not like this is the first time in history Christians have had a lot to worry about. Over the centuries, Christians have faced jail, beatings, and murder. They’ve been kicked out of communities and burned at the stake. To be honest, things have often been far worse. So why do we feel so anxious now?

Here’s what I told the man at my church: You feel anxious because someone—an industry, actually—is working hard to make you feel that way.

Studies show that journalists attend religious services significantly less than the general American population does. That lack of exposure to and understanding of Christianity—and all other faiths—affects media coverage of events. Increasingly, evangelical is portrayed as a synonym for white conservative Republican, even though a third of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.