This weekend there will be gatherings all across our country to celebrate our independence and freedom. 

As a culture, we value our freedom highly, and because of recent restrictions experienced by so many, perhaps this year’s celebrations will be a special reminder not to take that freedom for granted.

This yearning for freedom was put into our hearts by God so that we would desire to pursue Him, instead of the bondage that life in a fallen world brings. 

God offers us freedom in many ways; however, freedom requires a shift in our understanding and mindset to be fully experienced. 

For many, freedom is the ability to do what they want: the 14-year-old boy free to play games all day, the college student free to party all night, the toddler free to refuse to eat his vegetables, or the spouse free to pursue the lusts of infidelity.

Freedom when wrongfully pursued actually brings greater bondage. However, when we pursue freedom through a close relationship with Christ, we actually experience the reality found in 2 Corinthians 3:17b: “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

Freedom through faith in Christ actually brings great benefits to our life, if we pursue it

To the full-length post originally published on this site.