As you head into another weekend, remember this: God is on his throne. Now, living accordingly.

There is a nice little mix of Kindle deals today with some older books and some newer.

Nostalgic for Events That Haven’t Happened Yet

This article is full of key insights about online versus offline life. “I, like you, am concerned with the content we are all consuming online—whether extremist, explicit, or just entertaining—but I’m as concerned with what the act of consuming content is doing to us as much as I am with the actual nature of the content we consume.”

Why Pastors Have a Unique Responsibility to Counsel

This is good and challenging material from David Powlison. “You must counsel. It’s not optional. You can’t say no as if it were simply a career choice, a matter of personal preference, or an absence of gifting.”

Not So Fruitful!

“Recently, a friend was talking about a particular mission agency and said something along the lines of, ‘they tend to get results, but they cause a lot of broken relationships along the way’. My reply was simple; ‘in that case, they don’t get any results!’.”

God’s Providence in Common Grace

Lara d’Entremont reminds us

To the full-length post originally published on this site.