This article is written by Nick Thompson and sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. You can learn more about Joel Beeke and nick Thompson’s new book, Beginning: Family Worship in Genesis,  here.

Does Genesis offer relevant lessons for your children? Can the complex and often graphic narratives really be suitable to family worship? After reading the following article, we think you will say yes.  

Your family needs the book of Genesis, and so does mine. Many arguments could be given to support this assertion, but I want to focus here upon four.

Genesis puts us in our rightful place as creatures.

In case you are unaware, our culture is relentless in its attempt to indoctrinate our children in atheistic evolution. The message they are being spoon-fed from the earliest age is that they are random blobs of highly evolved protoplasm, and thus the only way to find true identity and purpose is to create it. But Genesis tells our children that they are image-bearing creatures, created to know, enjoy, and reflect their Creator. The creation account in Genesis teaches our children that humans are altogether unique. It shows us that the self is not and can never

To the full-length post originally published on this site.