Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Logos users, remember to check out the commentary sale they’ve got going on right now. (Also remember that the NICOT/NICNT are on sale as well.)

At Westminster Books you’ll find a sale on a new collection of R.C. Sproul’s Tabletalk writings, plus many of his other books.

Not Just More, But Other: Teens, Theodicies, and Classical Theism

In this article from the new Ad Fontes Journal, Rhys Laverty looks at Mackie’s famous triangle. “The God of Mackie’s triangle is a mere man, and a straw man at that. The conundrum supposes that the qualities of power and love belong to God in the same way they belong to us, as qualities or attributes to be exercised as we imagine we would exercise them. But it’s not so with God. He is the definition of power and love, and not simply by being the one who best exercises them, but by himself being the source of our ideas about those things in the first place.”

Why the Gospel-Centered Movement Overlooks Youth Ministry

Mike McGarry offers some interesting comments on why the gospel-centered movement has overlooked youth ministry

To the full-length post originally published on this site.