This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by RHB Publications. Everyone who enters the prize draw will also get a free eBook of Jonathan Landry Cruse’s highly praised, What Happens When We Worship.

In addition, three of you who enter will receive a copy of all the following new titles from RHB:


New Titles from RHB

Teach Your Children the Scriptures series


Family Worship in Genesis

by Joel R. Beeke & Nick Thompson

Do you need help teaching the Bible to your family? This guide particularly helps you engage children ages 5–12 while still edifying everyone. The Review/Read/Reflect/Request format makes family worship fulfilling.

Teach Them to Work:

Building a Positive Work Ethic in our Children

by Mary Beeke

Mary will help you find new energy, your household new harmony, and your children a good work ethic through parenting and practical principles that give you the help you need.

The Lord’s Garden series by Diane Kleyn

Devotions for children aged 5 to 9

Taking Root

Bearing Fruit

Sowing the Seed

A garden will never grow and produce fruit unless you plant seeds and tend to them.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.