It can’t be easy to be a young person today. I suppose it never has been, but it seems that today’s teens and young adults are forced to grapple with especially difficult questions. If that’s true of many different areas, it’s most notably true when it comes to matters of attraction, identity, and relationships. What was once crystal clear has become woefully muddy.

More to the Story

Jennifer Kvamme

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Jennifer Kvamme has worked with students for many years and is accustomed to helping them work through some of the big questions—questions related to sexuality, identity, intimacy, orientation, and so on. “I’ve watched middle schoolers grow into adults, listened as they shared their deepest struggles and highest joys, and seen Jesus heal pain and transform lives. I’ve heard their questions about God, life, and yes, sex. And I’ve grieved as I’ve watched students walk away from the church because they sensed judgment and exclusion and didn’t see how Jesus could be good news for them.”

And that is exactly what led her to write More to the Story—a book that is aimed squarely at an audience of teens

To the full-length post originally published on this site.