Over the last few weeks, I have had several conversations with wives who were feeling guilt-ridden. Each feared that failing to meet their husband’s expectations for sex would push their husbands to satisfy their desires in sinful ways. This fear might seem extreme, but the belief that wives are responsible for keeping their husbands from sexual sin is more common than you might think, so I want to draw attention to it. Here are just four samplings of those discussions:

“My husband leaves for a business trip next week, and if I do not sleep with him before he goes, I will leave him vulnerable to cheating.” When pressed why she had this fear, she said, “My pastor once spoke on the need to make sure your husband is satisfied before leaving home, or he might stray.”“I am really struggling with my post-baby body. I fear if I cannot pull it together soon, my husband will lose his desire for me.” Knowing the couple, this fear seemed out-of-place. Asking why she would conclude this, she said she heard a sermon telling wives to keep up their appearances “so that your husband doesn’t get distracted by someone who does.”“Next week,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.