As a somewhat creatively minded musician, writing with clarity has always been a challenge. I have a point in my mind, and it feels clear and compelling—until I write it down. The words I use to make my point sometimes dilute the point. I try to do too much. I think I’m doing something cool like making a play on words, but instead I’m muddying the water. I have to work hard on my writing style to clarify my points, not dilute my points.

The same can be said for musical style in church worship music. Does the style clarify or dilute the main point, i.e., congregational singing? A singing church is a means of grace as a Spirit-dwelt congregation gathered by grace exhorts one towards faithfulness as they worship God. The entire church speaks the rich Word of Christ to one another.

So here’s the question: does your musical style make it clear that this is the main event? Or does the singing of the church get lost because the style is trying to do too much?

I want to make a simple case: the more clearly our worship style puts the focus on the congregation singing, the less

To the full-length post originally published on this site.