Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you throughout this day.

On sale at WTS Books this week is Daniel Doriani’s new book on work and vocation. Scroll down and you’ll find a link to a sale on other similar books.

Today’s Kindle deals include Crossway’s “Student’s Guide” series of short books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Who Gave You The Right?)

My Friend Shala

Melissa reflects on the death of a friend. “The last time I saw Shala in person, I knew it would probably be the last time. She looked so good, so beautiful and so like herself. She said, ‘I hope we get a chance to visit again.’ And I knew exactly what she meant: this could be our last moment together on this earth.”

Why Pastors Would Do Well to Stay In Our Lane

Mike Leake encourages pastors to stay in their lane. “I am sharing this story to make a point that I hope other pastors will heed. I’m convinced that we do great damage to our ministries when we fail to stay in our lane. For one, we can end up losing credibility in the important things because we were wrong

To the full-length post originally published on this site.